
Free Stuffs!

This is a Python 3.x package which scrapes free stuff from Craigslist. freestuffs is under the MIT license. Check out the source code and the docs.

  • Using StuffScraper one can gather a list of free stuffs.
  • Using StuffCharter, one can create an HTML map of the free stuffs.

This package can be used to create a web application, such as the Treasure-map (source), or for use on Twitter.


Install using pip, requires Python 3 and these dependences:

  • requests
  • geopy
  • folium
  • BeautifulSoup4
  • unidecode

Install: .. code-block:: bash

pip install freestuffs

Getting Started


The stuff class corresponds to a Craiglist free stuff posting. It’s basic characteristics include title and location. Notably, there is no price attribute. If the posting has no image, the Wikipedia no-image image is used in it’s place.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5).stuffs
>>> print(stuffs[0])
what: free shelves
 where: Workman St, montreal

Scape Stuffs

The StuffScraper class will scrape Craiglist for free stuff.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5).stuffs # precise=False
>>> print(stuffs[0].thing)  # Title
Meubles / furniture

In order for the scraper to automatically scrape for latitude and longitude coordinates, pass in the parameter precise=True into the constructor.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5, precise=True).stuffs
>>> print(stuffs[0].coordinates)
['45.617854', '-73.633931']

Chart Stuffs

The StuffCharter class will produce a folium Map object populated with free stuff from the StuffScraper.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> from freestuffs.stuff_charter import StuffCharter
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5, precise=True).stuffs
>>> stuffs_chart = StuffCharter(stuffs)
call save_map(path) generate html map
>>> type(map.treasure_map)
<class 'folium.folium.Map'>

The StuffCharter object is a wrapper around the folium.Map. Call save_map(HTML_PATH, CSS_PATH)

>>> stuffs_chart.save_map('webmap', 'static/style.css')

This function creates a directory if it is not found in the path. Call instead save_test_map() to generate an HTML map in the current directory.


  • The smaller the posting, the older it is.
  • The darker the border, the higher the amount of overlap.


The triage checks for regex search in this order:

  1. Red are furniture “(wood, shelf, shelves, table, chair, scrap, desk)”.
  2. Blue are electronics “(tv, sony, ecran, speakers, wire, electronic, saw, headphones, arduino)”.
  3. Black are the “desired” stuffs “(book, games, cool, guide, box)”.
  4. White is default (no regex search matches).


The easiest way to get support is to open an issue on Github_.