

The stuff class corresponds to a Craiglist free stuff posting. It’s basic characteristics include title and location. Notably, there is no price attribute. If the posting has no image, the Wikipedia no-image image is used in it’s place.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5).stuffs
>>> print(stuffs[0])
what: free shelves
 where: Workman St, montreal

Scape Stuffs

The StuffScraper class will scrape Craiglist for free stuff. The two required args are the city name and the quantity of stuff to scrape. The city name must conform to the Craiglist url name. Cities like New York, are then ‘newyork’.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5).stuffs # precise=False
>>> print(stuffs[0].thing)  # Title
Meubles / furniture

In order for the scraper to automatically scrape for latitude and longitude coordinates, pass in the parameter precise=True into the constructor.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5, precise=True).stuffs
>>> print(stuffs[0].coordinates)
['45.617854', '-73.633931']

Otherwise, one can call stuffs[0].find_coordinates() in order to set (and scrape) the stuff coordinates one by one.

Pass in use_cl=true in order to ask for user input and override the location entered in the __init__.:

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('ill decide later', 1, use_cl=True).stuffs
What major city are you near? (or, 'help') newyork
>>> print(stuffs[0].location)
East Harle, New York

Chart Stuffs

The StuffCharter class will produce a folium Map object populated with free stuff from the StuffScraper. The StuffCharter object is a wrapper around the folium.Map.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> from freestuffs.stuff_charter import StuffCharter
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5, precise=True).stuffs
>>> stuffs_chart = StuffCharter(stuffs)
call save_map(path) to generate html map
>>> type(map.treasure_map)
<class 'folium.folium.Map'>

Call save_map(HTML_PATH, CSS_PATH) in order to save an HTML map from the folium.Map object. (equivelant to calling

>>> stuffs_chart.save_map('webmap', 'static/style.css')

This function creates a directory if it is not found in the path. Call instead save_test_map() to generate an HTML map in the current directory.

Optionally pass in an address or zoom level into its construction. Otherwise if do_create_map is False, these attributes can be modified manually.

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> from freestuffs.stuff_charter import StuffCharter
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5, precise=True).stuffs
>>> stuffs_chart = StuffCharter(stuffs, zoom=15, do_create_map=False)
>>> stuffs_chart.zoom = 10 # default 13
>>> stuffs_chart.create_map()
call save_map(path) to generate html map

The stuff markers are colored circles in diminishing order; the small the circle, the older the posting (this prevents inaccessible overlaps).

And you can add an address (not zoom) after the map has been created:

>>> stuffs_chart.add_address('5989 Rue du Parc, Montreal, Quebec')
>>> print(stuffs_chart.address)
5989 Rue du Parc, Montreal, Quebec

And why stop at one address maker(the address attribute will always be the last address added):

>>> stuffs_chart.add_address('5989 Rue du Parc, Montreal, Quebec')
>>> stuffs_chart.add_address('604 Rue Saint Joseph, Montreal, Quebec')
>>> print(stuffs_chart.address)
604 Rue Saint Joseph, Montreal, Quebec

Override the css by adding links to the folium object header:

>>> import folium
>>> osm_map = stuffs_chart.treasure_map
>>> folium_figure = osm_map.get_root()
>>> folium_figure.header._children['bootstrap'] = folium.element.CssLink('/static/css/style.css')

To use the treasure_map as a template in a python web app, the leaflet bootstrap css might conflict with the user defined styles. Before saving the map, add a CssLink.

The fastest way to get a map up and running, is to pass is_testing=True into the constructor:

>>> from freestuffs.stuff_scraper import StuffScraper
>>> from freestuffs.stuff_charter import StuffCharter
>>> stuffs = StuffScraper('montreal', 5, precise=True).stuffs
>>> stuffs_chart = StuffCharter(stuffs, is_testing=True)
BEWARNED, this map is likely inaccurate:
Craigslist denizens care not for computer-precision